Can Ducks Eat Rice? 6 Benefits | Full Guide

can ducks eat rice

Have you ever heard that rice is harmful to ducks? While there may be rumors that feeding rice to any duck will expand their stomachs so much that it damages or even kills them, is that true? 

You might be wondering, can ducks eat rice? Well, yes, ducks can consume rice, and they love it. Also, rice is not only cheap but also nutritious food for ducks and can be consumed both cooked and raw. Let’s break the rumors and find out how healthy and nutritious rice is for ducks.

Can Ducks Eat Rice?

Yes, ducks can eat rice as it is very healthy. Rice, a cereal grain, has been a staple food of human and animal diets all over the earth for centuries. Rice includes a lot of protein, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Several kinds of rice are brown, wild, and white. 

Although the most widespread rice for people, white rice is undoubtedly the least healthy option. Brown rice is healthier, but wild rice is the most nutritious and natural rice variation available.

Ducks can aid from all the nourishment each kind of rice has to give. Ducks are eligible to process and digest rice effortlessly, making it as safe for them to consume as it is nutritious. Most wild ducks eat rice daily in nature and don’t have any adverse side effects.

How Often Can Ducks Eat Rice?

Keep the amount of rice to 10% or less of their everyday food sources to ensure they don’t overeat and do not eat their much-needed feed. Depending on your ducks, this quantity will differ, but around two ounces is a substantial amount as a treat. 

Quantity is essential when giving food like rice to your ducks alongside their daily feed. If you want to introduce rice into their daily diet, you should do this slowly to give their digestive system time to modify. You don’t like to offer them a huge quantity at first, hazarding overeating and resulting in stomach upset or digestive problems. 

Ducks are contentious eaters and will develop for anything they have entry to in their pen. When you start to make rice available, spread it around so ducks will have to move to eat the rice. Also, try to avoid tossing out a considerable quantity in one area in their run where ducks can sit and eat a large amount. 

Rice shouldn’t replace their daily food staple; you should offer it as a complement. Remember that an all-around diet is essential for your duck’s health and well-being. Your ducks are identical in that they require a wide variety of nutrients from different food sources daily. Along with rice, it’s good to include some fruits and vegetables in your duck’s diet, like broccoli, bananas, carrots, kale, etc.

Which Kind of Rice is Best for Ducks?

There are three types of rice; if you like the idea of feeding rice to your ducks, there are three types of rice: brown rice, white rice, and wild rice

Experts assert that brown rice is more adequate than white rice because the bran layer still exists in brown rice, as opposed to white or milled rice. This bran layer comprises extra nutrients that are important for poultry.

Moreover, brown rice is more reasonable than white rice because it doesn’t go through the milling procedure, so the processing expense is lower, and the rate is lower than milled or milled rice. 

Wild rice is produced naturally, implying no chemicals. As an outcome, it can be expected that wild rice can pose lesser dangers of contamination than could happen with brown and white rice, all while giving the nutritional value you require. 

Thus, wild rice is the best of the three to feed ducks.

6 Benefits of Rice for Ducks 

Rice is an essential food for humans all over the earth. You will also notice it in most pet food as it is a cheap food with tons of nutritional benefits.

1. High in Carbs and Protein

Carbohydrates are a vital energy source for ducks, and rice gives about 28 g per 100-g serving. Rice will give your duck the power it requires to get through the day. It also includes approximately 2.7 g of protein per 100-g serving, and this protein will enable your duck to form muscle and feathers. 

2. Vitamin A Maintenance of Epithelial Cells

Ducks and all other domestic and wild birds require vitamin A for the well-being of various functions of the body; digestive, reproductive, and respiratory. It is also desired for the supervision of epithelial cells.

3. Vitamin C Improves Performance

It is known how significant vitamin C is for the survival of plants and birds. It improves performance and immunity and maintains all functions in their body working adequately. Also, it enhances egg quality.

4. Iron Make up DNA

Iron accomplishes the same process in animals, plants, and birds’ bodies. So like every mammal, ducks require an excellent percentage of iron to make DNA. The shortcoming of iron leads to death.

5. Phosphorus Maintains Acid and Base Balance 

Phosphorus is a significant multi-functioning nutrient that has progressed the reputation for retaining the acid and base balance, egg formation, and healthier bone.

6. Fiber Prevents Diarrhea and Constipation

Fiber is a crucial nutrient for ducks, and it enables them to avoid diarrhea and constipation by regulating the quantity of water in the duck intestines. Fiber also allows your duck to expel moisture faster, curtailing the danger of colon cancer.

3 Risks of Feeding Rice to Ducks 

All around, rice is pretty innocuous and good for ducks. Nonetheless, it can be not good, keep the following in check:

1. Shifting to Rice Products

Rice may be nice for ducks, but rice commodities are another matter. The problem is that rice products like seasoned rice have passed through processing like human food, and some of the chemicals utilized in that processing can damage ducks. Moreover, rice products like seasoned rice and rice cereal could fill up the ducks quickly and, subsequently, make them lose their appetite for nutritious food.

2. Overfeeding Rice to Ducks

Giving ducks too much rice will fill their stomachs, and thus, they will not have space for other healthy food. It is critical for young ducklings who need particular nutrients for adequate growth in their formative years. Without beneficial nutrients, young ducklings are left with a whole list of disorders, for example, angel wings.

3. Feeding Moldy or Rotten Rice

Before making rice for pet ducks, it is vital to check that it is inadequate quality and has not gone wrong. Shape in rice can result in devastating difficulties for ducks.

How to Prepare Rice for Your Ducks?

You can prepare a rice treat for pet ducks in several ways. You can give your ducks uncooked as well as cooked rice. Your ducks will like cooked rice; make sure to cool it before you provide it to them, and do not put any salt, spices, or butter. You can mix up a mash of tasty vegetables like carrots, cabbage, and beans and add them to cooked rice. Also, chop up any vegetables into tiny pieces to prevent choking. 

There are several safe ways you can feed rice to pet ducks. However, there are also ways you should refrain from giving the ducks rice. 

Mix with Pellets

It is very simple. You will only need to rinse the uncooked rice and then mix it into the pellet. Do not add the rice to your whole bag since it is moist and will soak all pellets. 

Rice Balls in Water

This procedure retains the ducks the longest. Cook rice and add some extra water, so the cereals become stickier. Cook ten grams per duck. You can begin making your balls when you notice the rice is extra glutinous.

Mix it with Vegetables

It is also a simple method. You can give the rice with raw veggies or add the veggies like potatoes inside the rice balls. Nonetheless, you must cut and cook the vegetables into tinier pieces if they are complex and big, as too big veggies may choke the duck.

Never Give Rice Cakes to Ducks

Remember never to give rice cakes to ducks. It may be a nutritious food for humans, but it can be highly harmful to ducks. Rice cakes may include salt, which may dehydrate your ducks. The stiffness of these cakes is a suffocating hazard as well. Please prevent feeding the rice cakes to the ducks.

Avoid Seasoning

Keep in mind not to avoid seasoning the rice. Ducks enjoy the rice plain. Spices generally contain salt and may dehydrate them, resulting in kidney problems. Stronger seasonings like chili do not bother birds and ducks since they do not have any receptors for strong food, leading to seasoning being a waste.


So, the answer to can ducks eat rice? Yes, ducks can safely eat rice. Also, cooked and uncooked rice is an incredible treat to offer your duck in small amounts. They can effortlessly consume small grains of rice and obtain various essential nutrients from wide rice varieties. Nonetheless, keep in mind to regulate their consumption and curb rice as a treat rather than a vital diet staple. 

Remember that ducklings should not eat rice. Also, the rice should only make up ten percent or less of your duck’s diet. This ratio will ensure they still receive other vitamins and proteins from other food sources. By providing your duck rice as a treat sometimes, they will be healthy and happy for years. 


Do ducks like rice?

Ducks like to consume rice, both cooked and uncooked. Rice is simple for them to gulp and does not need much effort from them.

Can ducklings eat rice?

No, feeding rice to ducklings under four weeks old is not good. Rice has moisture-absorbing properties that could result in health problems due to the small size of the ducklings.

Is rice healthy for ducks?

Yes, rice is healthy for your ducks. Rice is a good food for ducks, filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.

Can ducks eat white rice?

Ducks can consume both white and brown rice. In terms of nourishment, brown rice is deemed more nutritious as it has not been filtered as much as white rice.

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