Can Parakeets Eat Mealworms? 6 Benefits | Full Guide

Can Parakeets Eat Mealworms

An adequate amount of vitamins and minerals are crucial for all humans, animals, and birds. From different types of veggies to fruits, there are nutrients in abundance. Also, feeder insects play an essential role in providing appropriate nutritious value. Mealworms are popular feeder worms with a good amount of vitamins and minerals, including protein, fat, fiber, etc. 

Wild birds eat several insects. But if you have pet parakeets, can they eat insects? Can parakeets eat mealworms? The worm contains multiple beneficial components, so it has a higher potential to provide health benefits. Here you will get accurate information. 

Can Parakeets Eat Mealworms?

Yes, parakeets can eat mealworms, and the picky eaters often choose the worm as their treat. Mealworms contain a large amount of protein. Parakeets mostly eat pellets and grain-based foods, filling them with adequate protein. Mealworms are safe for your parakeets, but they should not feed frequently. 

How Often Can Parakeets Eat Mealworms?

Mealworms are not a staple food for parakeets, and you can feed the worm to your bird as a weekly treat. Serving a couple of mealworms once a week is acceptable for your bird. A parakeet’s diet should get filled with 50% pellets, 15%-20% seeds, and 30% fruits and vegetables. They mainly do not need food like insects or worms. But for variety, a rare feeding of mealworms would not harm your pet. 

6 Benefits of Mealworms for Parakeets

Mealworms benefit differently from different creatures. Insects like mealworms and crickets are mainly popular food. 

1: Protein Aids in Regular Growth 

Parakeets do not have a deficiency of protein as they mainly eat protein-rich food like grass. Mealworms contain 17% to 22% protein, which is sufficient for your parakeet, and protein aids in their regular growth and development. Also, the compound helps in repairing tissue damage. But feeding too many mealworms increases the protein level and leads your bird to several health issues. 

2: Vitamin D Helps in Regulating Calcium 

Calcium is an inevitable component of bones and muscle health, and vitamin D helps regulate Calcium in your pet’s body. As mealworms contain a good amount of vitamin D, the calcium regulation gets balanced in your parakeet’s body.  

3: Fat Works in Absorbing Vitamins 

A mealworm contains 13%-18% fat, which benefits your bird. A moderate amount of fat does not harm. Instead, it aids in absorbing specific fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and E. Fat helps absorb the vitamins into your pet’s body. They do not suffer from those vitamin deficiencies. 

4: Vitamin C Provides a Strong Immune System 

Mealworms are rich in vitamin C, which is crucial for humans and animals and plays a vital role in skin texture. Above all, the vitamin strengthens the immune system of your pet. As parakeets have sensitive health, they will not face infections or diseases often after getting a strong immune system. 

5: Riboflavin (B2) Maintains Energy Supply 

Mealworms have an appropriate amount of riboflavin, and the component maintains the energy supply by breaking down the protein, carbs, and fat. An energetic, lively pet bird always keeps you positive.

6: Fiber Provides Smooth Digestion 

Mealworms consist of 1% to 2% fiber, which benefits your little parakeets. Fiber provides good digestion and keeps your pet healthy, and your pet will not get constipated after getting a moderate amount of fiber. 

3 Risks of Feeding Mealworms to Parakeets

Mealworms are not harmful if you feed them to your pet moderately. But excessive feeding could cause severe issues to your bird. 

1: Excessive Consumption Causes Salmonella Infections 

If your bird consumes unsafe mealworms from your backyard or other sources, it could get a salmonella infection. It causes diarrhea, vomiting, headache, nausea, etc.

2: Excessive Protein Results in Pathogenic Diarrhea

Mealworms have a huge protein level, and excessive feeding exceeds the protein intake in your parakeet. Parakeets do not need extra protein as they eat protein-rich foods like pellets, nuts, grains, etc. If they get excessive protein, it results in pathogenic diarrhea and increases mortality. 

3: Excessive Fat Makes Your Pet Obese 

If your birds consume the worm excessively, the extra fat harms them. As mealworms contain 13%-18% fat, excess consumption increases fat intake. It leads your pet to obesity, and they face issues in their daily life. 

How to Prepare Mealworms for Your Parakeets? 

Purchase Worms from Reputed Shop 

Do not serve your garden mealworms to your parakeets. As it may contain pesticides and other harmful compounds, the worms could harm your pet. So, purchase the feeder worm from a reputed shop. 

Serve with Other Staple Foods

You can give a couple of mealworms to your budgie or mix them with other staple foods, and it enhances the taste, and your budgie enjoys the meal.

Parakeets Prefer Dried Mealworm 

Some parakeet owners observe that budgies prefer dried mealworms more than live mealworms and like the crunch. Also, it is easier to store dried worms than live ones. 


Can parakeets eat mealworms? Yes, they can eat, and you must maintain the frequency and quantity. If your bird shows interest in worms, you can feed them safely. But if they deny eating, do not force them to eat. Forceful feeding causes several problems in parakeets. 

Notably, as they do not need extra protein-rich foods, you can serve them nutritious fruits and veggies. Like their colorful feathers, they are fond of sweet and juicy colorful dishes. Various foods keep your parakeet energetic and give them a happy life. It would help if you took them to the vet for a time-to-time check-up. 


Do parakeets like mealworms?

Some parakeets like mealworms but not all are fond of that worm. Most parakeets prefer dried mealworms.

Can baby parakeets eat mealworms?

For regular growth, protein is necessary. But it is better to keep away the baby parakeets from mealworms for the negative effects.

Are mealworms safe for parakeets?

Yes, moderate consumption of mealworms is safe for parakeets.

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