Can Parakeets Eat Mango? 7 Benefits | Full Guide

Can Parakeets Eat Mango

The clash between healthy food and junk food is mainly for their taste. Most people think that healthy foods can’t taste like junk food! But fruits can grab attention. Mango is one of them, and the bright yellow fruits’ sweetness and aroma are unavoidable. 

Mango is not only delicious but also nutritious. The fruit has so many nutritional values that improve the health condition. As birds are fond of fruits, do they like this bright yellow juicy fruit? Can parakeets eat mango? If you have budgies, you are in the right place. You will get the answer in this article. 

Can Parakeets Eat Mango?

Parakeets can eat mango and gobble the juicy fruit when they get the opportunity. Mangoes have several nutritious compounds, including vitamins A and C, antioxidants, potassium, fiber, niacin, etc. 

Budgies need an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals; they get them from their regular pellets and fruits, and 10% of their diet should be filled with fruits. So, you can undoubtedly add mango to their plate. 

How Often Can Parakeets Eat Mango?

Fruits are not a staple food for budgies. So, you need to maintain the amount and frequency during feeding. Mango is an excellent treat for parakeets, and you can serve the fruit in their diet in moderation. 

Coming to how often, you can feed mango to your budgie once or twice a week. The amount must be small, and the quantity should equal two grape sizes. This little amount is enough for your feathery friend. If they overeat, they might face severe health issues. 

7 Benefits of Mango for Parakeets

As so many vitamins and minerals are present in mangoes, parakeets get their required nutrients from the fruit. If the feeding frequency and amount are within the limit, budgies never get adverse effects from the fruit. 

1: Vitamin A Prevents the Deficiency 

Mango has a good amount of vitamin A, which helps to prevent deficiency. As budgie’s staple food includes seeds, they often suffer from vitamin A deficiency. This deficiency causes eye issues, and in severe cases, blindness might occur. You can feed your bird’s papaya as it has abundant vitamin A.  

2: Vitamin C Protects from Oxidative Stress 

Vitamin C is another essential compound for a healthy lifestyle. Vitamin C helps in protecting oxidative stress and boosts cardiovascular health, which means vitamin C needs to get a healthy heart and blood vessels. 

3: Antioxidants Improve Immune System

Mango contains antioxidants which are crucial for a healthy lifestyle. The fruit has polyphenols in it, and the compound works to improve the immune system of your bird. A healthy immune system protects budgies from various diseases and infections. 

4: Potassium Helps in Growth & Development 

Potassium is another requirement for several health improvements. The potassium in mango helps in budgies’ growth and development, which means the growing budgies need the component, and you can feed them a small amount of mango. 

5: Water Content Hydrates the Whole Day 

Like every living being, budgies also need adequate water content. Mango, watermelon, peaches, etc., fruits have a good amount of water, and the fruits hydrate your budgie all day. 

6: Fiber for Smooth Digestion 

Healthy digestion is an indication of good health. The amount of fiber in mango is enough for your bird, and fiber aids in smooth digestion, improves the digestive system, and keeps your pet healthy. 

7: Niacin Promotes Clean Arteries 

Mangoes contain niacin which is another essential compound for budgies. It improves muscle strength and helps in reducing joint fatigue. Above all, niacin promotes fat-free arteries

2 Risks of Feeding Mango to Parakeets

As mango is one of the safest fruits for budgies, there is no severe risk of feeding the fruit. If you can maintain the guidelines and quantity, your budgie will never go through severe health issues. However, overfeeding can cause some health problems. 

1: Risk of Pesticides 

Mangoes are generally cultivated in organic ways. But you need to be careful about your small pet. When you feed mango to your budgie, clean them well. If there are any pesticides, it causes multiple health issues. So, before feeding them the fruit, wash the fruit well

2: Overfeed Causes Obesity 

Mango contains a large amount of sugar. Especially ripe mangoes, which are sweeter, have more sugar. Natural sugar is safe, but overeating is not suitable for budgies. If they eat mangoes excessively, they will gain some extra pounds. Obesity is not a sign of a healthy physique. 

How to Prepare Mango for Your Parakeets?

Mango is a tasty fruit; Budgies don’t need any extra presentation to gobble it. But the thing is, you have to be cautious before serving the food. Now, there are multiple ways of serving the fruit to your bird.

Don’t Forget to Wash Well 

Due to pesticides’ chances, you must wash the fruits thoroughly. You can give them a vinegar wash or use a cleaning brush. 

Peel the Skin Off 

However, mango skin is not harmful to your pet. But as it can cause digestive issues, you must peel off the skin. Though, if your budgie likes and can handle the peel, you can keep them separately for feeding.

Remove the Husky Seed 

Mangoes have one large husky seed in between them, and the seed is not edible for humans and budgies as well. So, remove and throw out the seed. 

Scoop Out the Flesh or Cut Them Into Pieces

If you don’t peel the skin out, you can scoop the flesh after the wash. Also, cutting them into small pieces is a good option. Then you can serve the fruit to your bird in a plate or bowl. 

Additionally, do not let the remaining mangoes in after three hours into your birds’ cage, as it attracts insects and grows harmful bacteria. 

Dried Mango is Fine for Budgies

Fresh mango is best for budgies, but you can feed them dried mangoes, also. Dried mangoes have a similar nutritious value. But make sure that there is no sulfate or preservatives which harm your budgie. If you have homemade dried mango, you can feed it to your bird. 

A Small Amount of Mango Juice is Exciting 

If you feed mango to your pet two times a week, give them mango juice once, and they will stay energized. A small amount of mango juice is safe for your bird. As mango has a huge amount of sugar, excessive eating causes obesity. 

Further, make sure to prepare mango juice at home. You must pour the mango pieces into the blender and blend them well. But do not add any processed sugar or spices to it. 


From now on, whenever you eat mangoes and your budgie stares at you, give them a few slices. Because you are clear about can parakeets eat mango? However, considering their diet and schedule of feeding, overfeeding causes multiple health issues. 

If your parakeet is new to eating mango, introduce the fruit slowly to them, and they will like to eat after getting the unique taste. Also, keep changing their fruit salads with other fruits like cherry, pineapple, etc. 

Alongside this, observe your pet’s interests and preferences. Whichever fruit or food they like, check if it is safe or not, then feed it accordingly. 


Do parakeets like mangoes?

Yes, they like mangoes as it is a sweet and juicy fruit.

Are mangoes safe for parakeets?

Yes, it is safe until you feed it excessively.

Can parakeets drink mango juice?

Yes, they can. Feed them homemade juice in small quantities as it contains a large amount of sugar.

Can parakeets eat mango seeds?

No, the seed is inedible.

Can parakeets eat mango skin?

Yes, mango skin is safe if your budgie can digest it. But wash them well before feeding.

Can parakeets eat mango leaves?

Mango leaves are not harmful. You can feed them to your pet. But budgies don’t take an interest in it.

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